Saturday, February 23, 2013

Architecture and Civilization

Falling Water (1935) Frank Lloyd Wright       
Frank Lloyd Wrights architecture does reflect the soul of a civilization by all the techniques used to build a piece of history.  Wright believed in designing structures which were in harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture. This philosophy was best exemplified by his design for Falling Water, which has been called the best all time work of American architecture. Wright portrays his work by having stained glass within the building, something he loved. Water falling through out the building gives it his harmonious feel of nature and comfort. The style used to create the height and style of the picture makes it a unique place to                       remember. The environment it's placed in gives it
that extra fell of humanity, as well as the bricking and paint colour brings out a building you want to visit/remember. Frank lloyd Wrights architecture is known world wide by his harmonious feel and this is true, when I look at his architectures I feel relaxed. This building is some place I would like to visit or even live at, the water just gives it that extra texture look that I love.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The statue David

The statue David created by both Denini and Donatello
are pieces of art history. They both have unique features that stand
out and catch the eye. Style is shown by the form and characteristics
each sculpture portrays by what pose they're doing and the
environment it's placed in. Technique is placed in by the
positioning of each figure and the creativity of the whole
design. The physical attributes of each sculpture makes your mind
wonder and want to study more about why each figure is doing
what it's doing and why it's wearing what it's wearing. Also, david
shows real male human characteristics so it makes it feel almost

Bernini's version of the sculpture of David illustrates developments
of the baroque era by that period being a time of great energy. Artists were 
fascinated by movement and the actions of the human body. This sculpture implies action and shows David as he is throwing the stone at Goliath. 
David is not nude he is clothed to show his movement by his tense muscles  and his face by being concentrated in what he's doing.

                                                                                                      Top: Deninis David
                                                                                                                                                                          Bottom: Donatellos David

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Yolsuf Karsh (1908-2002) is a known photographer by the use of his tones and studio lighting in each photo. Yolsuf loved to use hands as the main concept to show what is being used/focused on. Portraits were what he mainly worked on since it showed shadows, highlights and mid tones. Hands were true beauty to him so he boosted the studio lighting on just the hands and nothing else. Yolsufs photography is well rendered in my eyes, the black and white tones make each photo look realistic. As well as the hands in other photos are well focused on and portrays the main concept. Photography is art but it's only art if the person really focuses and develops the image proper using the right lighting etc... other wise it's just a image.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Renaissance (1300-1600 AD) was the time of rebirth and a classical time period. Leonardo Da Vinci is my favourite artist of all time and the best during the renaissance period. Da Vinci became an interesting man by being interested in anatomy, science and architecture which lead him to his brilliant sketch book ideas. A few interesting facts that caught my attention was he wrote left handed and back wards as well as the first oil paint user. Mona Lisa was one of his famous paintings that caught the attention of many people. Da Vinci shows the use of liner perspective, portrayal naturalistic and realized illusionistic spaces when creating each master piece.