Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Films are suppose to be a form of art and entertainment combined, as of today it's true that more entertainment is shown then art. When I watch movies all I see is the bright colours and funny things to make us laugh, they get to carried away that they don't realize they are'nt showing us the meaning/message in most films. Entertainment plays a big role in movies, the last movie I saw in theatres was project x. Project x was mainly based on teenage entertainment, I didn't get any forms of art in this nor a message besides not to hold a wild house party. Now a days society just wants money but a movie that made me think and realize is Freedom Writers directed by Richard LaGravenese in 2007. So many words can describe this movie, it's very inspiring and made think about society and how to respect other people because you don't know their story. Certain elements created a challenge for me; the race of people by making me actually pay attention because I hate when people get put down, the activities they do in class to make a understanding of how racism and judgement really is and friendship at the end which really had a message and touched me. Freedom Writers is the best movie to show forms of art and entertainment, it portrays a message and all elements of a good movie.

Film Strip

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