Saturday, March 9, 2013

Writing Style

 Modern Calligraphy Practise On Paper (picture)               

Modern calligraphy is a great way to imitate a
type face. Calligraphy has been around for ages and was one of the popular ways to print books, documents etc. The way you apply pressure to the nub and then release the pressure creates the thickness of the strokes. I like the fact we treat our calligraphic tools in a different way by starting from the bottom instead of the top of the page to create different types of strokes, it gives the letters a fancy look. Contrast between letters shows depth and width of letters, as well as the wild ink bleeding into the pages gives it that modern look. I found it cool how many different types of ink  and pens you could use to give each letter a different feel. The second video I viewed showed the best forms and ways to write calligraphy, therefore modern calligraphy with the fancy formation of capital letters is my favourite way.

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